We specialize in:
Company & Celebrity Branding // Media Marketing // Music Production // Video Production
Artist Developement & Management // Graphic Design // Photography // Image Styling

Audio Editing. Production. Songwriting. Licensing
Music Production
We provide music production services for the music and entertainment industry; record labels, artists, ad agencies, motion pictures, television, publishers, song-pluggers, video game companies or anyone who is looking to license music for a project. Many songs have been placed and/or licensed through UNIDEC with Interscope, Universal, CNBC, Columbia Pictures, BET, Oxygen, Sony, Disney Channel, and many more industries as well as musical scores and for multi-media.
Music Production & Composition
We provide music production and songwriting, composition & arrangement services to help our clients who are in need of original beats & compositions for songs, customized music designed around your melodies and ideas, or a music arrangement for your broadcast advertisement. Our producers can help you by writing and recording music that meet your needs.
Music Publishing
Through our ASCAP affiliated publishing company, we can help artists by publishing their music. Ever wonder how people make money by owning copyright in their songs? Publishing is the answer – by registering your works and assigning a publisher, you can get paid for your material through radio plays, use in television and movies. This is also how songwriters market their music to national artists – and there’s no financial cost to do so. Any serious musician should look into getting their music published, preferably by a professional publishing company.
Audio Editing
From re-mixing an original song to rendering instrumental mixes and editing music and voice for advertisements or instructional audio, the producers at Unidec Productions can help you with any editing needs you have. We have literally thousands of hours of experience in audio editing and know plenty of “tricks” to get an edit to sound natural.
Digital Archiving
We are often contacted by people who have an old recording on vinyl, reel-to-reel, or cassette tape. We can take those old recordings and transfer them to CD or any other format you like, and do some restoration on your audio – removing pops, hiss, or glitches. Additionally, we can digitally re-master the recording, resulting in a clearer, better sounding end product.

Commercials & Licensing
Label Song Placement